Saturday, July 29, 2006

first vegetable, first flower (from seed!)

In my second year in the East Village, I expanded my
fire escape garden. This time I grew cherry tomatoes and beets in addition to my herb staples. The cherry tomatoes and their burst of juicy tartness were particularly delightful. Growing my own food feels so good. Beets didn't do so well, I think the container was way too small. Plant growth is proportional to root growth, and small pots limit root growth.

I also planted a sunflower seed. Miraculously, the seed turned into a sunflower! Seeds are wondrous things. A plant devotes so much energy to growing fruit and vegetables just to convince an animal to spread the plant's seed. And the flower? A brilliant creation to attract bees and insects to help the plant pollinate...again, to create a fruit to spread its seed. The sunflowers grew surprisingly tall, given the small pots I put them in.

Here's the view of my bedroom windowsill. I bought an old wooden box to store my gardening supplies. Years later, it still houses my garden supplies.

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