Monday, July 28, 2008

taking over the bed: a pictoral timeline of tomato growth

Well, it turns out that fertile soil+water+sunshine=happy plants. As illusive as that combination of ingredients might be, I think I've finally found success in the backyard. Move over rosemary, step aside thyme, the tomato plants have taken over the raised bed! I'll give myself credit for a bit of forethought: I planted the tomatoes on the eastern side of the raised bed since I didn't want their height and bulk to block the sunlight from the smaller herbs. But that plan has been overcome by the lengthy tomato branches which have completely dominated the rest of the garden. The poor purplette onions are smothered! It is remarkable how quickly the tomatoes have bulked up, now that their root system is in place. As a tribute to the remarkable tomato plants, I have assembled a pictorial timeline of their unprecedented growth (maybe I should make a flip book!):

June 11 (planting day):
July 2 (bamboo stakes added):

July 16:
July 20:

July 28 (surpassed the bamboo):

Small yellow flowers on the tomato plants:

And a few flowers have already yielded little baby tomatoes!

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